Start TS16949 Quality System Certification Procedure发表时间:2022-07-08 22:13 We formally started our procedure of TS16949 certification at 8:00 to provide better services fo our global customers. As we know, the best season of one year- Spring Indicates flourish and hope. following the steps of last year, we start a new journey; in last year, we get a lot of progress while we should recognized that we still have a lot space that can be improved. This meeting aims to 还有诸多方面的不足和漏洞,因此今天我们组织召 开2016年第一个月动员会,目的就是想和大家一起统一思想、全力以赴,为公 司的健康发展做出更大贡献。 “凡事预则立,不预则废”!新年伊始,我们必须围绕公司“制度改革、扩 大规模、管理升级、文化落地”四个方面下功夫。 益铁冲锋的号角已经吹响,事业和希望召唤着我们。让我们卯足劲,为公 司再创辉煌而努力奋斗! |